The Need
In case you haven’t noticed, there is an overwhelming number of people hurting today. Hurting people are everywhere because life hurts. It hurts all of us.
No one is immune from the pain of life. Then when you add in all the damaging ways that people are trying to cope with their pain, the problems escalate even further.
We all turn to something to help us cope. The truth is, what you do not deal with constructively, will come out destructively, whether you ignore it, act on it, medicate it or internalize it.

Take a look at a few statistics in the U.S.
That's not all.
The trends show these numbers are
all on the rise.
This is where H.O.P.E. steps in

We help people see their pain and their past in light of God’s truth and expose the destructive nature of coping mechanisms.
By speaking the truth of God’s word into their situation in a step by step process, it allows them to see themselves and their pain as something God can help them overcome.
God specializes in healing and setting people free from their pain if they understand and apply the principles that are found in God’s word.